Friday, May 17, 2024

A Pygmy with a club


An adventurer travels through the jungle and is suddenly confronted by an unusual sight: fallen trees and trampled vegetation as if something gigantic has forced its way through. He decides to investigate.

After walking for a few minutes, he sees a dead elephant lying on its side and a pygmy jumping up and down with excitement on top of the fallen elephant. The adventurer inquires as to what is going on.

"The elephant, sir," explains the pygmy. "The elephant has gone mad. 'Tis terrible. Elephants are wise and friendly, but when an elephant goes mad, it destroys everything in its path. It cannot be reasoned with, no sir, and it cannot be helped in any way. Unfortunately, when it happens, the elephant has to be put down."

The adventurer inquires, "But how did you kill such a gigantic animal?"

"I killed it with a club," helpfully explains the pygmy.

"It must have been a big club," observes the adventurer.

"Yes, sir, a very big club indeed," says the pygmy. "We have over 300 members!"

#joke #animal #elephant

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