Wednesday, June 7, 2023

10 yo-yo jokes to celebrate National yo-yo day


1. Why don't yo-yos make good friends? - Because they always let you down! 2. What did the yo-yo say to the tightrope? - "Now, that's what I call a string walk!" 3. How do yo-yos cheer each other up? - They say, "Hang in there, it'll be an up and down ride!" 4. Why was the yo-yo so good at making decisions? - It always knew how to go back and forth! 5. Why don't yo-yos work in zero gravity? - They can't deal with the ups and downs! 6. What did the yo-yo say to the super glue? - "I need someone who won't let go!" 7. Why was the yo-yo the life of the party? - Because it always knew how to unwind! 8. How did the yo-yo become a successful motivational speaker? - It always knew how to bounce back! 9. What do yo-yos say when they introduce themselves? - "I’m not as up-tight as I appear!" 10. Why was the yo-yo accused of being a spy? - Because it always goes undercover! #joke #short Read more on page


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